◌ A d o p t ◌

Information & Terms of Adoption

Adoption Paperwork

Your name:
Petz name(s):

Send to: pinksneeze@proton.me


◌ M u f f i n X P u m k i n ◌

hairball, oreo, zipper, stu, spices, raccoon
My very first litter up for adoption! My favorite has to be Hairball. (I was pretty tempted to keep them all.) But we all must let go some day...


◌ M a g i c X D e s t i n y ◌

frost, moon, tea, silver, shade, sea
I absolutely love black dalmations with black eyes. So I had to keep Moon. All of these pups have spots. Shade was also tempting me with those big ol' pitch black eyeballs. But I resisted. For now. (And someone else adopted him! Yay!)
